法國巴黎銀行在台灣開設第三間分行BNP Paribas Opens Third Branch in Taiwan
  • 透過新設立的台中分行,把握經濟發展潛力




    法國巴黎銀行台灣區總經理胡日新(Olivier Rousselet)先生表示:「法國巴黎銀行財政實力雄厚,客戶基礎穩健,加上靈活多元的環球業務模型,成為全球客戶的策略性夥伴。法國巴黎銀行致力於業務增長,台灣的經濟前景樂觀,市場發展迅速,我們很高興進一步拓展在台業務。隨著金融服務業納入台灣自由經濟示範區計劃,本行將會積極協助客戶把握市場機遇及拓展業務。」



    此外,本行亦致力於台灣履行企業社會責任,全力支持社區內的各類文化及教育活動,包括透過法國巴黎銀行集團全球公益項目Smart Start,為「台灣原住民族群永續教育計劃」提供支援。
  • New branch in Taichung, a city that offers promising economic prospect

    BNP Paribas announced today the establishment of its Taichung branch, the third in Taiwan following the Taipei and Kaohsiung branches, to further enhance its premium services to clients as it grows business in the market.

    The new branch is located at the heart of Taichung, situated by Taiwan Boulevard and Wenxin Road directly across the New City Government Centre. It will offer comprehensive range of banking products and investment solutions to clients in the greater Taichung area.

    To celebrate the opening of the new office, a cocktail reception is to be held on the night of 23 April at the Art & Arch Museum with around 200 honourable guests, including Taichung City Mayor Jason Hu.

    Country Manager of BNP Paribas Taiwan, Olivier Rousselet, said: “With a rock solid balance sheet, strong client franchise and a resilient and diversified global business model, BNP Paribas has become a strategic partner for clients around the world. It is a bank positioned for growth and we are pleased to extend our presence in Taiwan, which is a very dynamic market with promising economic outlook. With the inclusion of financial services in the Free Economic Pilot Zones programme, we are keen to help our clients to capitalise on the opportunities and help them grow their business.”

    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BNP Paribas Wealth Management Asia Pacific, Mrs Mignonne Cheng, also said: “Taiwan is one of the key markets for our wealth management business. The demand for best-in-class wealth management products and services continues to grow along with the booming of the Taiwanese economy. Having a new branch in Taichung, I am sure this will further upgrade our services to respond quickly to our clients’ needs.”

    Currently, BNP Paribas has over 650 employees in Taiwan and offers a wide range of financial solutions including corporate & investment banking, wealth management, asset management and insurance. It has received numerous awards for its excellence in products and services in the market. For example, BNP Paribas Wealth Management was among the Top Three Foreign Private Banks in Taiwan in the Private Banker International 2013 Awards.

    In addition, BNP Paribas is strongly committed to its corporate social responsibility in Taiwan. It has provided support to a variety of cultural and educational activities in the community, including the “Aborigines Sustainable Education Programme”, as part of the BNP Paribas’s global corporate philanthropy project, Smart Start. 
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